VORACYS is a provider of public and private construction services. The four principles of action, the pillars that support the project, are customer focus, respect for society and the environment, mutual commitment to our employees and long-term relationships with suppliers and subcontractors.
The experience accumulated at VORACYS, after more than 500 executed constructions of different types and sizes, has allowed us to design our own IMS to cover three pillars: customer orientation, proactive management and process standardization customer orientation, proactive management and process standardization.
All of this through a management model based on the collaboration of all the agents involved in the execution of the constructions, the efficiency of all the processes that support them and the measurement of their correct execution for optimal decision making.
At VORACYS, we work on all projects with a comprehensive vision, conceiving each of the works where the ecosystem made up of clients, subcontractors, employees and collaborators must be aligned to guarantee, as a strategic objective, the best service to the client in terms of quality and compliance with execution deadlines
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